Educational consulting purpose-built with your community

Center student voices, understand their experiences and create inclusive environments for learning, leading, growth and change.

Celebrating learners and learning


Youth development, voice and agency

Let us work with you to co-design learning experiences that are meaningful for your students. Together, we can understand the design of systems that limit youth development and work together to ensure that every student graduates with the ability to engage in inquiry, assessment, discussion, deliberation, and decision-making.

“When students feel a sense of efficacy, believe that their intelligence and ability can be improved through effort, and feel in control of their learning, they are more motivated to learn and, ultimately, more effective learners.” (Pamela Cantor, et al, The Science of Learning and Development, p. 22)


Relational teaching and learning

Organizational development, growth, and change are grounded in learning, and learning occurs in relationships. Improvement principles found in Learning to Improve (Bryk, et al) and science-based principles of strong teaching form the core of our approach.

Together, we can identify problem-specific and user-centered problems to tackle, examine what is known and highlight variation, begin our designs at the margins, dig in to understand the system from the perspective of students, caregivers, teachers, and others, look for measures we know and others that better assess student experiences, discipline change efforts, and share to learn with and from others.

Assessment, landscape analysis, and design

Effective leadership, learning, growth, and change depends on an accurate and complete understanding of the system that exists right now. This foundational work can be designed and completed with you to offer assessment of programs, schools, organizations, districts, etc. We will assess for inclusive understanding across the communities and people who live in the system every day.

Organizational development, planning, and change management

Facilitation for inclusive development, planning, and change management with attention to detail, project management, and meaningful participation and co-design can help you define actionable strategic plans, communication plans, and meet other organizational development needs grounded in inclusive, student-centered, relational learning experiences.


Leadership transition consulting

We work with leaders seeking to lay the foundation for inclusive and collaborative leadership, organizational development, and change management. Grounded in our core values: Empathy, Integrity, Authenticity, and Equity, we’ll work with you build an inclusive, learning organization from the start.

Get in touch

We’re proud to support educational systems of all shapes and sizes. If you’d like to learn more about our consulting services, fill out the form and let’s talk.